YouTube is working hard to reduce the content termed as “Borderline Content” often relates to harmful misinformation. The spread of misinformation is already very common, so controlling it is the only choice that tech-giants have right now. Note that, these videos are more like conspiracy theories, so they are not actually violating the Community Guidelines of YouTube.
YouTube is trying hard to overcome the spread of borderline content – one way was by distributing authoritative voices on the platform. YouTube posts content by established providers such as FOX News, CBB, The Guardian, India Today, and Jovem Pan to reduce watch-time on borderline content.
From a general perspective, music and other entertainment videos are shown on a user’s suggestions based on their interests, popularity, and relevance. On the flip side, one cannot flag science or history videos as borderline content due to the difficulty to identify misinformation in them.
Spreading authoritative voices is one step, YouTube tried to roll out Information Panels along with borderline content videos to give people a great overview. From what YouTube suggests, borderline content only takes about 1% of the U.S. watch time.
Let’s hope if YouTube is successful in its endeavors to control the watch-time on borderline content. As more people start to watch such content, the more dangerous it will be in the future. It is up to YouTube now, how they try to control this content on the platform.
If technology is a blessing, it is a curse as well – Rightly said!

Photo: SASCHA STEINBACH / EPA-EFE/ REX / ShutterstockPho
Read next: Google's Updated Transparency Report Highlights Its Efforts To Maintain A Safe YouTube Community
YouTube is trying hard to overcome the spread of borderline content – one way was by distributing authoritative voices on the platform. YouTube posts content by established providers such as FOX News, CBB, The Guardian, India Today, and Jovem Pan to reduce watch-time on borderline content.
From a general perspective, music and other entertainment videos are shown on a user’s suggestions based on their interests, popularity, and relevance. On the flip side, one cannot flag science or history videos as borderline content due to the difficulty to identify misinformation in them.
Spreading authoritative voices is one step, YouTube tried to roll out Information Panels along with borderline content videos to give people a great overview. From what YouTube suggests, borderline content only takes about 1% of the U.S. watch time.
"Since January 2019, we’ve launched over 30 different changes to reduce recommendations of borderline content and harmful misinformation. The result is a 70% average drop in watch time of this content coming from non-subscribed recommendations in the U.S.", announced YouTube in a blog post.YouTube also upgraded its algorithms, which resulted in cracking down the borderline recommendations. Until January, this algorithm was not implemented in the U.S., but now YouTube is looking forward to expanding it to the Ireland, the U.K., Germany, France, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa.
Let’s hope if YouTube is successful in its endeavors to control the watch-time on borderline content. As more people start to watch such content, the more dangerous it will be in the future. It is up to YouTube now, how they try to control this content on the platform.
If technology is a blessing, it is a curse as well – Rightly said!

Photo: SASCHA STEINBACH / EPA-EFE/ REX / ShutterstockPho
Read next: Google's Updated Transparency Report Highlights Its Efforts To Maintain A Safe YouTube Community