There are all kinds of things on the internet that are going to make it quite difficult for you to get the kind of experience you would be looking for. One thing in particular that is going to prevent you from having a safe and enjoyable experience on the internet has to do with malicious advertising, or malvertising as it is often referred to.
The way this bad advertising works is that it is very loud and difficult to click away from, and it is full of hidden links that, if you click on them, would take you to a website that would be impossible for you to navigate away from and at the same time might potentially end up downloading malware onto your system.
Cyber security firm Devcon recently published a report that revealed that over sixty percent of all malvertising campaigns had affected Microsoft Windows users. By comparison, Google's Chrome OS users suffered 22.5% of the malvertising campaigns in total, and Mac OS users had to go through 10.5% of the total, with Android, iOS, iPad OS and Linux taking up the remaining percentages.
These numbers might indicate that Windows is the most vulnerable operating system out there, but in this case the numbers need to be analyzed a little more before they can be fully understood. Windows has a huge share of the operating system market, which makes it understandable that it had the highest share of malvertising attacks. Conversely, Chrome OS has a much smaller share of the market, but comparatively a larger percentage of Chrome devices have suffered malvertising attacks! This means that Chrome OS might be the least secure OS, although this again might not be quite as black and white as you might initially end up thinking. Another thing to note is that smartphones are quite safe from malvertising, and Linux does a good job of preventing it too.

Read next: There’s a new virus in Google Chrome browser that not only steals user credentials but also sends it to a Database
The way this bad advertising works is that it is very loud and difficult to click away from, and it is full of hidden links that, if you click on them, would take you to a website that would be impossible for you to navigate away from and at the same time might potentially end up downloading malware onto your system.
Cyber security firm Devcon recently published a report that revealed that over sixty percent of all malvertising campaigns had affected Microsoft Windows users. By comparison, Google's Chrome OS users suffered 22.5% of the malvertising campaigns in total, and Mac OS users had to go through 10.5% of the total, with Android, iOS, iPad OS and Linux taking up the remaining percentages.
These numbers might indicate that Windows is the most vulnerable operating system out there, but in this case the numbers need to be analyzed a little more before they can be fully understood. Windows has a huge share of the operating system market, which makes it understandable that it had the highest share of malvertising attacks. Conversely, Chrome OS has a much smaller share of the market, but comparatively a larger percentage of Chrome devices have suffered malvertising attacks! This means that Chrome OS might be the least secure OS, although this again might not be quite as black and white as you might initially end up thinking. Another thing to note is that smartphones are quite safe from malvertising, and Linux does a good job of preventing it too.

Read next: There’s a new virus in Google Chrome browser that not only steals user credentials but also sends it to a Database