Google’s Threat Analysis Group Will Soon Start Sharing More Information on Preventing Government-Backed Hacking

Everyone knows that there are quite a few malicious actors out there that would be trying their best to ensure that they would be able to access your information whenever they see fit. However, most of the time when someone thinks about these hackers they would think of individuals and groups that might want money or something along these lines. While it is definitely true that there are countless individuals that would be trying to access your account, the fact of the matter is that there are numerous government agencies that might be trying to illicitly access your account as well.

Now, Google is well aware of the fact that government entities are trying to hack into accounts in order to gain access to user data, and in order to prevent this the tech company has had an internal team known as the Threat Analysis Group (TAG) for ten years. Over the last decade the TAG has tried to prevent governments that are attempting to hack Google servers as well as user accounts, but up until this point their approach has mostly been about protecting Google itself.

Now it seems that the group will be focusing on educating the public by revealing information about how you would be able to prevent such security breaches from occurring. Organizations can only do so much on their own. Until and unless the average user is educated about how they can protect themselves, data and privacy will always be at risk.
"From July to September 2019, we sent more than 12,000 warnings to users in 149 countries that they were targeted by government-backed attackers.", announced Shane Huntley, from Threat Analysis Group. Adding further, "Over 90 percent of these users were targeted via “credential phishing emails”, these are usually attempts to obtain the target’s password or other account credentials to hijack their account."
It is heartening to see a company as big as Google trying to give its users this level of protection, as well as informing them about how governments may be trying to acquire their data in order to get more information about them in an illegal manner.

Distribution of government-backed phishing targets in Q3 (Jul-Sep 2019)

Read next: Google's Updated Transparency Report Highlights Its Efforts To Maintain A Safe YouTube Community
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