Facebook to tackle over 500,000 reports on revenge porn every month

It can be devastating to see your private pictures surfacing on the internet as a result of revenge. Many people have gone through this trauma and several suicides were also reported as a result of it. Where social media has brought in so much ease in our life, it has also encouraged bad actors to use this platform for their evil motives.

Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms that owns Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger as well. Facebook has to cater around 500,000 reports of revenge porn, which is a very significant number. The report came out in NBC News on a Sunday morning and has shocked many people.

Facebook is currently working on tools that help in preventing the spread of revenge porn on its apps. Among these tools, some artificial intelligence tools were also launched by Facebook to spot out revenge porn even before the user even notices it.

A pilot program was launched by Facebook in 2017 where users can submit their intimate photos on Facebook so that they can be prevented from being shared on the internet. Facebook spokesperson told NBC News that they did not provide an efficient explanation of the program in the beginning, which led people to give negative feedback.

After this program, Facebook launched a research program to get to the core of this problem. The whole product team of Facebook is working on finding a way to tackle this issue. The team has around 25 people apart from content moderators. Let’s hope Facebook comes out with an exceptional tool to stop the non-sharing of revenge porn.

Non-Consensual Intimate Image Report on Facebook
Photo: JasonDoiy via Getty Images

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