Earlier, people didn’t hesitate before posting about their thoughts, ongoing activities and other stuff on social media. However in light of the recent data breaches and privacy scandals involving big companies like Facebook and Google, it has now become very important to consider before sharing something online.
In August 2019, DuckDuckGo (a search engine that depends on being as private as possible) conducted a paid survey to find out how people are feeling about their privacy online. Around 1,114 people participated in this survey.
The results were what one might expect. Around 79.2 percent of the people have adjusted the privacy settings of their social media accounts in one way or another over the last 12 months. What’s even more interesting is that almost 23 percent of the people have deleted/deactivated their profiles due to privacy concerns.
Although such issues are mainly linked with Facebook, social media services like Twitter and Instagram have also been affected this time around with numbers going as high as 34 percent and 36.1 percent respectively.
When the results were presented in a chart form, it was revealed that in the last year, around 43.1 percent of the people have adjusted their privacy settings by removing posts. Additionally, 35 percent have made their profiles completely private.
The survey also asked people about the steps they have taken to protect their online privacy. The most popular answers were password manager (38.6 percent) and Activating the Do Not Setting in the web browser (32.3 percent).
Due to DuckDuckGo’s strong reliance on privacy, its traffic has increased by 68% in the last one year.
Respondents were also asked about the significance of privacy while making tech purchases. Around 64 percent said that it is highly important. The numbers were 74.9 percent, 78.1 percent and 77.8 percent for smartphones, laptops/PCs and smart home stuff etc.
You are encouraged to read DuckDuckGo’s full report to find out more details.
Read next: New Study Reveals Why Users Deactivate their Social Media Accounts
In August 2019, DuckDuckGo (a search engine that depends on being as private as possible) conducted a paid survey to find out how people are feeling about their privacy online. Around 1,114 people participated in this survey.
The results were what one might expect. Around 79.2 percent of the people have adjusted the privacy settings of their social media accounts in one way or another over the last 12 months. What’s even more interesting is that almost 23 percent of the people have deleted/deactivated their profiles due to privacy concerns.
Although such issues are mainly linked with Facebook, social media services like Twitter and Instagram have also been affected this time around with numbers going as high as 34 percent and 36.1 percent respectively.
When the results were presented in a chart form, it was revealed that in the last year, around 43.1 percent of the people have adjusted their privacy settings by removing posts. Additionally, 35 percent have made their profiles completely private.
The survey also asked people about the steps they have taken to protect their online privacy. The most popular answers were password manager (38.6 percent) and Activating the Do Not Setting in the web browser (32.3 percent).
- Also read: The Moderation Effect - Consumers Are Finally Decreasing Their Time Spent On Social Media
Due to DuckDuckGo’s strong reliance on privacy, its traffic has increased by 68% in the last one year.
Respondents were also asked about the significance of privacy while making tech purchases. Around 64 percent said that it is highly important. The numbers were 74.9 percent, 78.1 percent and 77.8 percent for smartphones, laptops/PCs and smart home stuff etc.
You are encouraged to read DuckDuckGo’s full report to find out more details.
Read next: New Study Reveals Why Users Deactivate their Social Media Accounts