The social media is a rapidly evolving world, with news, information, and enticing offers constantly making the rounds on these platforms. Just by turning to Facebook, you are bound to find hundreds of exciting offers, and on Instagram, there are a plethora of amazing promotions waiting for users to tap into. While all of these are, no doubt, intriguing, it is important to note that not every offer, giveaway, and promos you find on social media are genuine. Many of them are nothing but scams! Over the last couple of years, scammers have been targeting social media users by offering them deals that are too tempting to decline, and quite unfortunately, many people have globally fallen victim to these offers. In this light, we are now going to share with you six tips that can help you avoid being scammed on social media.

Read next: How Viral Scams Reflect Tech Literacy
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Giveaways are not always kings
Contrary to what social media might have you believe, surveys, contests, and giveaways are not always conducted out of the good hearts of the organizers. If anything at all, they are meant to tempt users into giving their financial details online and then swindle them in the process. It is common to see scammers offering gift cards, free IVA advice to help you escape the grips of bailiffs like Capital Resolve and Lowell Financial, exciting discount offers, coupons, and even free money on social media under the guise of bringing an innovation to a neighborhood, reward for completing a survey online or participating in a contest online. These acts are nothing but a harbinger of scams intended to gain access to your financial information, social media accounts, or other crucial details. We, therefore, implore you not to fall victim to these nefarious activities – and to please spread the word by sharing this post with others on every possible platform.Falsified profiles
If you think for once that every profile or account you find on social media is genuine, then you are just a few clicks away from being scammed. Often, scammers and criminals alike create fake accounts using the information of celebrities and non-existent people to follow, connect, and network with real people on social media. When you fall prey to these kinds of people, they can either exploit your social media details to perpetuate their nefarious activities further or convince you into doing business with them – something you are likely to do because you think you are networking with the real celebrity.Beware of impostors and impersonations
Did you know that criminals often create fake accounts using the details of your real friends to deceive you into falling for their fraudulent acts? More often than not, scammers may study your friends’ lists on social media and then create an account to mimic one or some of these friends and then perpetrate whatever unscrupulous activity they have in mind towards you. To avoid this, always check well the details of the person you are chatting with, connecting with, or accepting as a friend or follower on social media.Never fall for cheap offers
It is a common knowledge that scammers often find a way to infiltrate social media groups and forums, thereby joining the conversations in the groups. While in this group, these criminals may offer to sell tickets, passes, goods, or other items to members at a relatively cheaper amount. While these offers are often too tempting at first glance, it is important to note that they are nothing but scams. If at all you want to patronize a friend online or buy anything from anyone on any group, always ensure that they are the real deal. Check their profiles, see how far back their posts go, check their transaction history, and ask around about them. For instance, if a ticket to a live show in London costs $40, these scammers may offer to sell them to you for as low as $10-$15 if you buy from them.Beware of clickbait
Whether claiming to offer a scoop about some breaking celebrity news, previously unseen salacious photos of some celebrities, quick ways to write off your council tax debts, or some secret information that can help you make quick money through stock investment, scammers have been known to posts links that attract attention; the links of course, often direct to malicious websites similar to those used in giveaway, survey, and contest scams.Protect your accounts
Even if you are in the know about social media scams, remember that not all your friends are. And as such, they are susceptible to being scammed through your unprotected social media profile. Without securing your social media profile details and information, scammers may easily gain control of your accounts and use them to attack your friends or followers.
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Photo: freepik