Google has been all about user convenience lately, with snippets and cards becoming more easily visible and forming an ever more important part of the search engine landscape. This is decidedly a part of the post Google+ era, with Google now trying to compete with its social media competitors by adding social features to its primary search engine product rather than trying to create some kind of social network from scratch. The various updates that have brought Google to this point include descriptions for businesses as well as a more community oriented focus when it comes to localized business recommendations.
Google is not using Google Images to compete with online shopping platforms, instead the search giant is offering users a new option to compare a product that they like based on the image that they find in Google images search results, with the user in question being given the option to purchase the product in the side panel once they click on the image instead of being taken to a whole new page. The fact that purchasing products in this manner will require fewer clicks and that this is probably going to make the whole experience a lot more convenient for everyone involved will make sites like Pinterest which rely on users coming upon products via search engines and then purchasing said products on the site very nervous indeed.

The side panel that images will open in is also highly convenient because of the fact that you won’t be taken to a whole new page every time you click on an image, something that is definitely going to improve the user experience by reducing the amount of time that each user needs to spend going from one page to the next.
This foray into the world of eCommerce by Google is definitely going to provide some direct competition to content discovery platforms such as Pinterest, but it may also be a step in the right direction towards competing with the likes of Amazon as well.
Read next: All “Made by Google” products will use recycled materials by 2022
Google is not using Google Images to compete with online shopping platforms, instead the search giant is offering users a new option to compare a product that they like based on the image that they find in Google images search results, with the user in question being given the option to purchase the product in the side panel once they click on the image instead of being taken to a whole new page. The fact that purchasing products in this manner will require fewer clicks and that this is probably going to make the whole experience a lot more convenient for everyone involved will make sites like Pinterest which rely on users coming upon products via search engines and then purchasing said products on the site very nervous indeed.

The side panel that images will open in is also highly convenient because of the fact that you won’t be taken to a whole new page every time you click on an image, something that is definitely going to improve the user experience by reducing the amount of time that each user needs to spend going from one page to the next.
This foray into the world of eCommerce by Google is definitely going to provide some direct competition to content discovery platforms such as Pinterest, but it may also be a step in the right direction towards competing with the likes of Amazon as well.
Read next: All “Made by Google” products will use recycled materials by 2022