Facebook is working on two new features for Marketplace

Facebook is introducing several changes and is performing more functions than just providing information. Facebook is a versatile platform for not only discussions and interactions, but also for making deals and creating an online Marketplace.

Reverse engineering guru Jane Manchun Wong tweeted about the new features being offered by Facebook. In her tweets, she explains that Facebook is now currently working on modifying location setting to enable its users to add separate locations for meet up place, categories, shipping places (both home and offices).

Facebook will allow users to add a list of preferred locations which includes a variety of options such as vehicles, home and garden, rentals, entertainment, clothing, accessories, electronics, household items and so on. The list also displays estimated distance from the user’s location and possible time it will take to reach.

In addition to these, Wong says, in her another tweet, that Facebook is also expanding its exposure by creating a broad marketplace on users-to-users event ticket sales. Which means the users can edit the listings and can also add/sell more items in the Marketplace posts.

Jane Manchun Wong is a technology blogger and app researcher. She researches well and find out the features even before the official announcements. She searches and reveals on her social media platforms for the upcoming trends, especially updates regarding social media apps.

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