Instagram Head Says Breaking Up Facebook is a Bad Idea

Facebook has become quite a monolith in the world of social media. With Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook’s own social media platform under its belt, there aren’t many places that you can go that aren’t already owned by Facebook. The EU as well as a variety of other institutions have discussed breaking Facebook up in order to prevent a monopoly from forming, but according to Adam Mosseri, the new person that is in charge of Instagram, this would be a bad idea.

According to Mosseri, Instagram being owned by Facebook is a good thing because it allows the image and video sharing platform to monitor its content a little more efficiently. If Facebook were to be broken up, a lot of bad content would start coming onto Instagram according to Mosseri. His entire quote basically states that while breaking Instagram off would be great for him as an individual, Facebook provides content moderation and a lot of firepower when it comes to policing the content that comes onto Instagram. Breaking Facebook up into its component parts would leave them susceptible to a lot of hate speech and other forms of negative content that these platforms are actively trying to avoid letting in at any point.

The reason for this is that the content policing force at Facebook is larger than the entire workforce at Instagram, so the image and video sharing platform definitely benefits from being part of the Facebook family. Lots of people are going to want to comment on this point of view, so we will have to wait and see whether or not what Mosseri is suggesting is actually the right strategy.

Read next: Instagram is Reportedly Working on Enabling Story Camera to be used to Share Feed Posts!
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