Rejoice Admins! Facebook Announces Automated Approval Option for New Group Members

Facebook was launched with the only goal to make communication easy and bring people closer and so far they have been working to make this goal achievable. Most of the people like to join group, pages, and communities where they can meet people that share the same interest, professional and other similar ideas. With the help of these social media group, they can communicate with them and bond over a common interest. In most cases, these groups are open for the members and there are no restrictions however there are some of the groups that are closed and the users who are interested in joining these groups must seek permission. This permission can be attained by apply and the admin of the group will approve the member after looking at the profile.

This process was designed because in most open groups people usually post memes, advertise irrelevant content and post personal information that is not related to other members of the group. This is the reason admins like to stay in control and they like to maintain the peaceful environment of the group by keeping it close for the persons of interest. However, admins of fast-growing groups are facing problems regarding verification and approval of the new members. This means that admins of popular groups need to be constantly on their phone or laptop to accept the requests of people who want to join the group. This can be a time-consuming and lengthy process because the request needs to be accepted manually by the admin. After multiple admins have advised Facebook to provide an automation option where they can allow people with certain criteria to automatically join the group on request.

How does the new tool work?

Thankfully with the help of a new tool, as spotted by Matt Navarra, admins can set criteria for the potential members who will automatically get accepted to join the group. To start the process, the admin needs to set a bunch of requirements and if new users have answered all the questions to the questionnaire they will be auto accepted, however, this is not the only thing that contributes to acceptance. The admin can also sect if he wants people from a certain city or area so the people from that location will be selected. The tool will also see if the potential member has a friend who is already a member of the group also to verify the quality and authenticity of the account the user will be assessed on the time frame in which the person joined Facebook.
"We hear from admins of fast growing groups that they would like additional tools to make the process of approving new members into their group more efficient. To help admins more easily manage their member request, we're testing the ability to automatically approve new member requests based on certain membership requirements that admins can set.", explains a message from Facebook.
This feature has been launched and in the process of testing for only a few groups on Android and desktop version, however, if the feedback is positive this feature will be updated for everyone.

Rejoice Social Media Managers! Facebook Announces Automated Approval Feature for New Group Members

Read next: Joining a Facebook Group will now Require Users to Answer Various Types of Questions and Agree to the Group Rules!
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