Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft Left Other Industries Behind in Total Market Capitalization

After Apple, Microsoft has become the second US Company that reached the milestone of the market capitalization of more than $1 trillion, as per the third quarter earnings report.

Though Amazon had also reached the trillion-dollar mark last year, but only for one-day trading and could not maintain it further.

Two days after achieving the milestone, on 1st May Microsoft fell below the mark but still managed to beat Apple in the race of being the most valuable company.

A few years back, oil and gas companies have been ruling the list of valuable companies. However, tech companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft, took them over and have been leading in the market capitalization.

The total market capitalization of the top five US-based tech companies in the last five years has been around $2.7 trillion. Out of all, Amazon had been the most prominent with $794 billion after May 2014.

Top Five US Tech Companies Left Other Industries Behind in Total Market Capitalization

Chart: Statista based on YCharts Data.
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