Material Theme Icons for Search Categories being Tested by Google!

When the pill-shaped Search bar finally appeared on the Google desktop's results page late last year, it became evident that the Google Material Theme was on its way to Interestingly, the new Search bar has finally popped up on the homepage as well, earlier this month. Now, Google is all set to move on to the next phase of the redesigning process, as new Material Theme icons are reportedly being tested alongside every web Search category.

Joe Youngblood was first to detect the A/B test and also shared the new icons that are displayed below the Search bar in results. However, it should be noted that it isn’t a complete cast off, but a clear indication about each tab’s representation.

These icons fall perfectly in line with the new Gmail design. When the icons aren’t selected, they appear as light gray but once selected, the color changes to red, yellow, blue and green (same colors which appear on Google’s icon). That’s not all however, as the overflow menu has also been concatenated with a 3-dot icon, citing the entered queries as the basis for ordering the categories.

Other user also noticed the same change and tweeted about it on Twitter.

It still remains unclear when (and if) Google plans on rolling out these features for all users. However, it’s almost a guarantee that they will be released, as 1) Google has been focusing way too much to improve its services and apps’ UI and 2) The amount of work done and resources spent to implement these features are way too much to just make them available for specific test users.

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