Facebook has introduced yet another feature for its users. Tributes section will appear on the memorialized accounts where users will be able "to share memories after a person has passed away.".
Friends will still be allowed to post on the timeline or comment on the posts made by the account holder before death, as per the settings of the memorialized accounts. These accounts cannot be logged in once the account is memorialized and thus the posts made after that will automatically be part of the Tribute section.
Facebook allows accounts to add “Legacy accounts”, which will be given a little control over account once the person dies. The accounts who have set legacy accounts were notified by the Facebook about the Tribute feature.
Whereas legacy contacts will still not be able to delete or ad friends, log into an account or read the private messages.
Friends will still be allowed to post on the timeline or comment on the posts made by the account holder before death, as per the settings of the memorialized accounts. These accounts cannot be logged in once the account is memorialized and thus the posts made after that will automatically be part of the Tribute section.
Facebook allows accounts to add “Legacy accounts”, which will be given a little control over account once the person dies. The accounts who have set legacy accounts were notified by the Facebook about the Tribute feature.
"We're working to bring this feature to everyone on Facebook, but you might not see it on all memorialized profiles yet.", announced Facebook.Facebook Help center also have designed a page to let users know more about it. It says that once the account is memorialized, friends and family for that Facebook account can post memories, stories or commemorate a birthday, in the Tribute section.
Also Read: What happens to your social media accounts when you die?The legacy contacts will have more control over the tribute posts then they have on the rest of the account. They will be able to delete posts, set privacy and also approves or disapprove the posts the person has been tagged in. Timeline review could also be disabled by the legacy contacts so people can post directly on the profile’s Tribute section. Posts made on the timelines previously will be different than the posts made on the Tribute section.
Whereas legacy contacts will still not be able to delete or ad friends, log into an account or read the private messages.