A few years ago, LinkedIn was basically just a site that job seekers used in order to create a professional network for themselves. However, over time the platform has grown and incorporated an increasing number of purely social features. There are plenty of reasons for this happening, including the fact that the idea of a professional network became a lot more personalized and was becoming thoroughly incorporated into our personal lives and regular day to day socialization as well. There is also the fact that the faith of the public has been shaken in giants like Facebook, and LinkedIn is clearly hoping to position itself as an alternative that people can end up using on a regular basis.

"What people are talking about now" is a trending news section on LinkedIn home feed. The feature spotted by Anna Slingo.
Moreover, another user Marcin Nieweglowski noted a "Trending in a particular area" post in his news feed. "I recently came across geolocalisation-driven trending topic feature", he claimed.

There are plenty of benefits to the trending news section, most of which have to do with the fact that it can help you optimize your visibility and traction by staying up to date on the goings on within the website as well as what people are currently talking about.
Read next: LinkedIn Direct Message Containing Malware Spread Through Platform
Related: LinkedIn’s New Feature Could Help You Get Paid MoreOne feature that LinkedIn added recently that people seemed to enjoy was the trending news feature, and it is apparently about to get expanded very soon after the latest update to the platform is rolled out. This expansion will basically make the trending news feature available to a larger number of people, and one of the most important aspects of this has to do with the fact that the expansion is targeting India to a large extent. India is widely considered to be one of the most exciting emerging markets in the world, and focusing on it has become a priority for most tech giants at this point in time. LinkedIn is continuing the trend with their "top news" expansion to this geographical location.

"What people are talking about now" is a trending news section on LinkedIn home feed. The feature spotted by Anna Slingo.
Moreover, another user Marcin Nieweglowski noted a "Trending in a particular area" post in his news feed. "I recently came across geolocalisation-driven trending topic feature", he claimed.

There are plenty of benefits to the trending news section, most of which have to do with the fact that it can help you optimize your visibility and traction by staying up to date on the goings on within the website as well as what people are currently talking about.
Read next: LinkedIn Direct Message Containing Malware Spread Through Platform