Windows 7 is still being used by a large number of PC users, whether because they refused to adopt changes of an updated version or have been procrastinating it for one reason or another.
It is about time that all users switch to a newer version of Windows, as Microsoft has announced to discontinue providing free support and security updates for Windows 7.
After the much cursed Vista, Windows 7 proved to be much relief for many. It soon mustered attention from users. Introduction of Windows 8 didn’t create much hype. Windows 10 that followed was introduced with many improvements and updates. Still, Windows 10 could not make it big because of integrated ads and a few other changes.
Windows 7 has been proved to be most popular among masses. The popularity could be checked that after years of release, only recently Window 10 could surpass the number of users as compared to Windows 7. According to Net Applications, an analytics service provider, 42.8 percent of Windows user still use Windows 7 on their PCs.
By January 14, 2020, almost a year from now, Microsoft will not provide free security updates to Windows 7 users. This could be seen as a tactic of moving users towards updated version. Note that only free support will end, whereas paid security updates could be still acquired for the next three years, with the amount increasing annually.

Photo: Mark Kauzlarich/Bloomberg via Getty Images
It is about time that all users switch to a newer version of Windows, as Microsoft has announced to discontinue providing free support and security updates for Windows 7.
After the much cursed Vista, Windows 7 proved to be much relief for many. It soon mustered attention from users. Introduction of Windows 8 didn’t create much hype. Windows 10 that followed was introduced with many improvements and updates. Still, Windows 10 could not make it big because of integrated ads and a few other changes.
Windows 7 has been proved to be most popular among masses. The popularity could be checked that after years of release, only recently Window 10 could surpass the number of users as compared to Windows 7. According to Net Applications, an analytics service provider, 42.8 percent of Windows user still use Windows 7 on their PCs.
By January 14, 2020, almost a year from now, Microsoft will not provide free security updates to Windows 7 users. This could be seen as a tactic of moving users towards updated version. Note that only free support will end, whereas paid security updates could be still acquired for the next three years, with the amount increasing annually.

Photo: Mark Kauzlarich/Bloomberg via Getty Images