How Video Content Impacts Marketing (infographic)

When it comes to marketing, content is king. The type of content you create has an enormous impact on how viral your marketing campaign can be. Video based content is always the most successful simply because it requires more engagement, allowing more information to get across to your target audience. It is also generally a more entertaining form of communication, which makes it more likely that people would actively engage with it. One drawback to video content production, however, is that it is more expensive than other forms of content and requires a larger time investment as well. So, the question to be answered is, “Is video based content worth it?”

Promo recently did a survey of 500 users in an attempt to better understand how well video based content fares. While it is true that 500 is a very small subset of the number of users that regularly surf the internet, the sample took into account a variety of users from a variety of different background. The infographic below gives intriguing insight into the efficacy of video based content, as well as how users on different social media platforms react to such content.

Online Video Watching Habits 2018 [Infographic]

Key statistics from above visual:

People watch more videos on Facebook (47%) than YouTube (41%) and Instagram (8%).

Videos with voiceovers (32%) and subtitles (20%) are both popular.

Men prefer videos with the Sound On (70%) more strongly than women (58%).

6 in 10 of users said they visit the publisher’s Facebook account after watching a video.
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