Understanding What Essay Is and How to Write It

You are not a well-known humanist or a great philosopher, and this weekend you have to write an essay. Do you feel horror? Unnecessarily! Read our article and create an intriguing text. First, learn about the features of the essay, and then go to the section devoted to the "7 steps to create a good essay". Anyway, if you are in “no time”, you can hire a good essay writing service. Based on our experience, college homework help is the best one.

Essay is a literary or literary-scientific form by means of which the author presents his point of view. In other words, it is a philosophical, critical, scientific and journalistic sketch, most often written in prose, freely developing the explanation of a problem or fact, emphasizing the subjective approach and attaching great importance to the beautiful and original form of the message.

Before you start working on an essay, become familiar with its essence and characteristics.

Features of essay

Subjectivism - an essay is a statement in which you present your individual point of view, but you do not moralize, you only encourage the viewer to reflect.

A variety of topics - you can take up issues regarding culture, art, science, philosophy ...

Poetry - the essay is characterized by a literary way of shaping a language in which aesthetics play an important role. It is about artistic, elaborate creation of expression.

A loose, fragmentary composition - but you have to make sure that it is not chaotic.

Genre and generic syncretism - the essay combines the features of many literary genres, which makes it difficult to classify it as one of literary genres. It is worth noting that you do not introduce literary fiction.

Intertextuality - you can use surprising comparisons, paradoxical associations, quotes, references to other literary and cultural works, philosophical or historical allusions. You are also free to introduce digressions, not necessarily closely related to the main subject.

In addition, it is worth knowing that the essay is based on the principle of loose associations, so there is no chronological or thematic order or hierarchy of presented arguments. It is a sequence of mental shortcuts. You're trying to get to the bottom of things, discover the truth. The essay is open, it does not have to end with a conclusion, but it is worth to include it. You make a subjective selection of arguments by which you signal the existence of a problem and make the reader think about it.

How to write a good essay:

1. Theme
Start by analyzing the topic. Interpret it with possible ways and put all theses that can be distinguished. If your task is to come up with an issue yourself, try to make it original, surprising.

2. Combine
Write down the questions that come to your mind after analyzing the topic. These can be loose associations, arguments. It is important that you are open here and allow many solutions and answers. Prepare all materials that you will use when writing an essay.

3. Plan
Prepare a plan that will be the compositional axis of your work. Make selections of previously saved thoughts and select the ones that are the most interesting, the most relevant. Segregate them so that you can find analogies between associations, so that they will create a coherent and logical whole.

4. Studies
Proceed with developing applications focusing on the main issue. Complete them with your own thoughts. Be concise and clear in thinking. Talk to other people and get to know their opinion on the topic you are talking about. If you have obtained interesting information in this way, include it, confronting your own reflections.

5. EditYou must collect all thoughts into independent parts of meaning. Edit them in terms of language, create properly constructed paragraphs, give them titles and subheadings, and then order them in the appropriate hierarchy, according to the previously prepared plan. Take advantage of the wealth of stylistic lines and rhetorical figures. Avoid autothematic phrases, e.g. at the beginning, in the ending.

6. Introduction
Write an introduction to your work and you can use a properly chosen motto. In the next step, rewrite the previously arranged associations and conclusions into a logical whole.

7. Conclusion
It is advisable that you read your entire text again, rethink its concept and conduct any modifications. The essayist is not obliged to create a clearly defined ending, but you can summarize your thoughts and create a short final reflection, sensitizing the recipient to the problem you are experiencing.
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