Although starting to record videos is easier than ever nowadays, you’re still likely to face your fair share of problems. The fact of the matter is that there are many common problems that people tend to face when recording videos, but if you’re aware of what they are then you can take steps to avoid them.
In particular there are 4 common problems that are likely to occur when recording videos:
1. Subject goes in and out of focus
Subtle shifts in the position of the camera can often cause the subject that you’re recording to move in and out of focus. It is far from ideal, and if it happens too frequently your overall video quality will appear suspect.On most digital cameras it is possible to fix this issue by switching to manual focus or locking the focus. The exact method to manually focus differs from camera to camera, but on many basic cameras is as simple as tapping and holding the point where you want to focus or adjusting a dial.
It should be noted that focus is a problem that only affects live video recording – and screen recording isn’t susceptible to it. For example if you use Movavi Screen Capture Studio by following the instructions at, your video will always be in focus.
2. Movements in video look choppy and not smooth
If the video that you record doesn’t look smooth, the problem is the frame rate is too low. The frame rate is basically just the number of frames contained in each second of video.To avoid this problem you should check the frame rate prior to recording and make sure it is at least 30 frames per second. If you want your video to really look fluid and impressive, you could increase it to 60 frames per second instead.
3. Sound quality is poor
Unfortunately most basic microphones and the built-in microphones on video cameras aren’t designed to record high quality audio. As such the audio quality that is recorded along with your video is likely to be poor.Generally the best way to avoid the issue entirely is to invest in a good microphone so you can record high quality audio as and when you require. In addition to that you may want to understand the basics of recording good audio, and apply them to your video.
4. Unwanted footage was recorded
Naturally one of the main problems you’re likely to face is that at some point or other you may record footage that you don’t want to appear in the video. In fact in many cases you may only want to use a small part of the video footage that you record.That is part of the reason why post-production is so important. At the end of the day it is impossible to anticipate inadvertently recorded footage, but in post-product you can simply trim it out.
Odds are you’ve probably run into one (or more) of the problems listed above already. Now that you know what they are and how to avoid them or fix them – you should be able to start recording much better videos. The difference that avoiding these problems can make to the quality of your videos is significant, and you will probably notice it yourself.