Be in the Know: Social Media Marketing Stats 2018

To help all you social media marketers out there keep up with the latest trends, we’ve compiled some most important statistics on the top social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter) so that you know how to approach the rest of 2018 with a winning strategy.Gone are the days when getting banners/pamphlets printed for your business was enough. The contemporary marketers have to fret for several other things, connection with users being the most important of them all. Since an ever increasing population uses social media on daily basis, employing the said mode is profitable. That being said, it is important for marketers to have an elaborate understanding of all the social media platforms out there.

1. Facebook

The famous case on Facebook regarding the breaching of personal data has done almost nothing to affect its popularity. Instead it appears that it has had absolutely no negative consequences. It has increased advertising revenues. As of the first quarter of 2018, Facebook managed to earn $11.8 billion, exhibiting a 49% increase from previous year, same duration. It is interesting to note that 91% of advertisers used mobile phones to generate revenue in 2018. These statistics are not surprising. 3 million businesses use Facebook for marketing purposes, thus accounting for such high grossing. However, it has been observed that the approximate percentage of 12 year old American children using the said application has decreased from 67% to 62%.

2. Instagram

Its popularity has been growing ever since its advent and this can be seen from the fact that roughly 25 million business users are registered on the platform. And out of all the users, a huge proportion of them accepted of having visited at least one business account per day. Given that 60% of internet users with monthly earnings of $100k+ frequently use Instagram, marketing via it ensures profitability. Also, using influencers to market one’s product is always a good idea, since their posts interact with users more.

3. LinkedIn

This is a more professional domain, with fresh college graduates frequenting it more than other age groups. With its users standing at around half a billion, it makes its presence heard. Also, if one would prefer to target both the genders equally with one’s posts, they should definitely go for this site, as it is the only domain where people of both genders are present in equal numbers.

4. Twitter

Although Twitter has been around for quite some time now, its popularity just never seems to be decreasing. With its marketing revenue worth multi-million dollars, it stands as a highly competitive network. The number of registered users are also on an ever increase, with video accounts proving themselves to be instant populars. On top of that, user engagement on Twitter has increased by a whopping 69% since the year 2017. With cost per engagement having decreased by approximately 28%, it makes itself an ideal platform for advertisement.

5. Pinterest

It is not a main social site for common internet user. It primarily functions as a domain furthering research, visual learning and shopping. It can also be regarded as a content discovery and ideas saving tool. Considering it for marketing purposes is a shrewd choice as around 40% of Pinners have a household income of $100+. It has also been shown by stats that people on Pinterest tend to spend more on the application.

The significance of social media cannot be denied. Since its advent, it has successfully integrated itself into the lives of people across the globe, slowly replacing the use of traditional media. Therefore, smartly employing it to market your product would most probably result in huge successes.

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