Find a Social Media Group Which Shares Your Interests
What’s exciting about the social web is the connectivity it brings with it. Whatever your interests, there’s a group out there which shares them and, in these challenging economic times, saving money is a virtually universal focus! Many Facebook groups that have formed around specific interests, e.g parenting, are ideal places to get hand me downs and freebies. The real-time nature of Twitter is ideal for finding instant coupon codes and hashtag deals. And there are even cashback sites now which reward those who spend through them with immediate cash back deals.Save Money via Niche Groups Local to Your Area
Social media accounts, in themselves, are free to use. So the first step is to identify the right social platform for the area you want to save money on, and the second to find the niche groups within that which are local to your area, or relevant to what you’re purchasing. Social media can be useful to contact the customer service of your major service providers to either complain (which can offer yield discounts), or to negotiate better rates. Because it’s largely an open forum large companies are now fanatical about their public image so will go to huge lengths to maintain a positive review profile.