Today, many people are choosing to earn money by working online. Interesting, right? The benefits of this are that you get to enjoy flexible working hours, multiple sources of income, and a lot more!
Here, I will share various ways how to earn money online. You will note that some of the techniques may not only give you some extra income but can also potentially become a main source of income. In the past couple of years, I personally adopted such techniques as blogging, consulting on spreadsheets, and freelance writing. Now let us look at my seven favorite ideas on how to earn money online.
Benefits of Making Money Online
There are a lot of advantages that come with earning money online. They include flexibility in your working location and managing your own time. You also get to interact and communicate with a wider market and it requires little to no capital to start.Flexibility
While working online, you get to choose a suitable location (most often home). Also, you’re not tied to a specific time frame such as working from eight o’clock in the morning till five o’clock in the evening. Therefore, you can work and earn money for as long as possible depending on your limitations!Communicating and Interacting With a Wider Market Group
Working online means that you get access to the whole world! You may be living in Europe but end up selling products to someone located in the United States of America. Furthermore, you also get to learn a lot through blogging. When you post topics on your blog, you receive comments from people from all corners of the globe.
Requires Little To No Capital to Start
Let us say you want to start a blog, how much will you need? The beauty of working online is that you earn a lot having spent little to nothing on start-up. In the case of blog making, all you require is access to an Internet device such as a computer and blogging tools and websites such as Wordpress or Blogspot.
Seven Ways to Make Money Online
After considering a few benefits of working online, let us now go on and see the various ways in which you can earn money on the web. Although this may not be a comprehensive list, some of the methods mentioned here are able to change how you view the world of business!Establish a Blog
Most of us have started blogs at one point in our lives. Some end up being huge successes while others turn out to be complete failures. However, the trick is to always learn from these failures to make your blogging venture a success.Creating a blog is one of the best methods of making money online. Why? Well, you are the owner of your blog! This means that you have total control over your site. You can choose what to distribute, outsource, and if need be, how much to sell your blog.
However, starting a blog is not always easy and it also comes with its fair share of challenges. What leading bloggers will tell you is that if you stick to it, there are high possibilities of earning a huge sum of money within a short period. For those who may be looking to start a blog, I would recommend reading some tips on how to start a blog through WordPress or BlogSpot.
Freelance Writing
Another amazing way of making money online is through freelance writing. What does this normally involve? You can make some money by writing papers or essays for clients, website and blog owners.While working as a freelance writer, I have noticed that there is only one major challenge – getting started! First, you have to know what topics you are good at and gain experience. After that, it becomes easier to get more tasks. Pricing is another small issue that may appear difficult. Initially, asking for a higher pay is not always easy but it becomes much simpler with time and experience.
Do you find this option interesting? If so, you should maybe consider reading some resources on how to get started as a freelance writer! There are many people out there who have written papers online giving out advice.
This is simply an application that rewards you with cash on free search-loyalty. This application can easily be installed in major browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. It actually rewards you with real cash micropayments when you click on results that would have otherwise earned you nothing!While I have used Qmee for the past few months now, I have noticed one important feature. It is pleasant and non-obtrusive. If you are not interested in one of their displayed results, they will simply disappear once you click on results from Bing, Google, or any other search engine you may choose to use.
Provide Lessons
Are you talented in music, poetry, arts and crafts, languages, or something else? Offering lessons may turn out to be a fruitful way of making money online. The website that provides you with such services is called TakeLessons. It lists the names of teachers and tutors with skills in different fields which someone may wish to learn.More people are taking up music lessons online, showing that there is a huge opportunity to make money. And you don’t have to be grouped in the music area! You can find a number of people qualified in Microsoft Excel too. If you are good at finance and Excel, it is quite encouraging that there is now a website that recognizes such skills and provides money-making opportunities. Visit the TakeLessons site and look for the income source that best matches your skills!
This is another way to earn money while working online. It involves various opportunities such as writing, voice over jobs, graphics and design, creation of eBook covers among much more. Fiverr has a lot of jobs but what is sure to interest you is that jobs start at five dollars only! All you have to do is set up an account, make your profile, and start bidding for jobs that you can do. Moreover, you can create gigs, for example, ‘I can create an eBook cover for you for $5’ and others like that. Once someone sees your gig and buys it, you’re in business. With additional packages, you can add extras to make your gig worth more than $5, say $10, $15, etc.Payment is done through various payment processors with Payoneer and PayPal being the most popular ones.
Sell Things On eBay
For those looking to make some extra cash, getting an account on eBay is another good solution. What is interesting about it is that it’s free! It also provides sellers and buyers with operational control. This means that you can post and buy products online with no added fees.There are also further requirements such as deciding on the products to sell, opening a PayPal account, etc. Remember to always start small. There are many things you can sell on eBay ranging from used electronics that you don’t need anymore to crafts that you’ve made such as art pieces. You could also talk to manufacturers of certain goods and have an online shop where you sell the merchandise for a profit. Some also sell eBooks. The possibilities on eBay are endless, just use your imagination!
Make Use of Amazon
Looking for the largest online business in the world? By using Amazon, you get to enjoy a variety of features such as Amazon marketplace, Amazon flex, and much more. For those who already have Amazon accounts, you will note that there’s a lot you can do to make money with Amazon. It lets you sell products to other Amazon users and provides you with a unique procedure of earning money online. Below are some of the methods of making money there:• As an Amazon affiliate
• Selling private label products through Amazon FBA
• Selling Retail arbitrage commodities through Amazon FBA
• Merch by Amazon services
• Use Amazon kindle to sell published books
• Get paid for work done on Mechanical Turk
In a nutshell, use of Amazon is not only beneficial to online buyers but also to online marketers and entrepreneurs. It has changed the commercial industry and provided people with a creative and innovative way of making money online. Make use of the time you have with Amazon services by going through the different money making strategies and examples.
Bonus Tip: How About Entering Giveaways?
There are tons of giveaways every week. Have you heard of HGTV’s Dream Home? Well, they range from just a few dollars and go all the way to thousands of dollars. You may end up winning a free trip to Hawaii, a ticket to an all-star baseball game, and a lot more.What most people fail to realize is that in the case of giveaways almost all wins can be changed to cash. Let’s say, for example, someone wins an iPad Air. The product may not be within their interests, so what next? You may choose to sell it to a friend at your preferred price and just like that, there is your cash!
If you want to try out such services, read posts that tell how to make money through entering giveaways. You might end up earning large sums of money within a week.
Bonus infographic:
Over 100 Ways to Earn Money Online

Source: Journeyfeed.
Having looked at some of the methods in which you can earn money online, I can now conclude by saying that this process is easy. All it requires is willingness and determination. Remember that failures are common in any business venture. See and learn beyond your failures and you will end up transforming your life.The world today is filled with numerous opportunities. You can earn thousands by only working online, and not just on your PC, but on your tablet and smartphone too! Imagine waking up in the morning, scrolling through your phone and earning some money within minutes. Isn’t this innovative and exciting? Why not try it out yourself?
Author's Bio:
Christina Battons is a blogger and freelance writer. I am interested in topics about education, writing, blogging, motivation, etc and I also like to share my knowledge with people. In my free time I spend with my family, friends, or riding my bicycle. You can find me on Facebook and Twitter.