In an age where digital technology is ever present in almost all walks of life, have you wondered if we’re spending too much time on them or just how present they are in daily life?
The number of people that own phones in general is staggering with estimates of up to 4,770,000,000, when you compare that to the 7,400,000,000 people currently inhabiting the world that’s 64% of the world population owning a mobile phone.
Arguably it was the iPhone that propelled the smartphone industry; today 1,900,000,000 own a smartphone, that’s 25% of the world’s population and by 2020 that’s expected to change to about 85% of the world’s population.
The folks at 1st Aerials have compiled various stats and surprising facts about smartphones in an infographic, they’ve found sales data figures, smartphone usage stats and incredible lifestyle quirks such as the incredibly brave (even if your phone is ‘waterproof’) 12% of smartphone users use their phones while showering. Find out more below!