The Ultimate Guide To #Facebook Image Sizes – 2016 Edition [INFOGRAPHIC]

As you know that images are a huge part of Facebook, and an even bigger part of Instagram.

Getting your images just right is a huge factor when it comes to success on these platforms. In fact, image posts can result in up to 120% more shares than non-image posts, so using good images clearly matters.

And getting your images just right matters even more if you are using them for paid ads.

Using stretched, cut-off or poorly cropped images is a great way to waste an advertising budget.

That’s why I’ve created this infographic for you.

It’s a handy reference that shows you the recommended image sizes for all Facebook and Instagram ads. It’s brand new for 2016 and includes all of the new ad types including Lead Ads and Facebook Canvas!

I’ve even included the requirements for the most common video ads as well.

Bookmark this page so you can come back any time you’re about to create a new ad or update your Facebook page.

Alternatively, you can grab a copy of the guide as a downloadable PDF.

Andrew Hubbard is an online business technology and Facebook ad strategist. He helps you build your business online using technology that suits your individual needs. He also helps you promote and grow your online business using Facebook advertising. You can learn more about Andrew at
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