"With Instagram claiming to have passed the 400 Million user mark, this Chart of the Day examines why its audience is so attractive to brands.
With about 70% of Instagrammers being under 35, the photo-sharing site has a younger audience than any of the other major networks. What’s more, over 60% are logging in daily, giving Instagram better engagement figures than any network except for Facebook.
But it’s not just their age and visit frequency which is important here, it’s also their tendency to interact with brands that has catapulted Instagram to the attention of marketers. For a start, just over half of them say they follow their favorite brands via social networks – a figure which is almost 10 points ahead of the equivalent metric among Facebookers.
Of all the major networks tracked in our chart, Instagrammers are also the most likely to view social networks as a place to research brands and products. Little wonder that Instagram has been shouting so much about its advertising credentials, then."
Source: Globalwebindex.