In this infographic (produced by matthewdeal), you'll learn the basics of digital marketing, specifically about 3 internet marketing techniques to get people to your website, blog or online store.
Pay for it (if you have the dough):
Paid Advertising:Buying Digital ads is the easiest way to get traffic to your website. If done right, digital ads can expose your product and brand to your target audience. paid ads can quickly drive sales and kickstart your brand's digital presence online. Many advertising networks are "selfe-serve", meaning they are designed for you to administer and deploy your advertising plan on your own.
Digital advertising can be expensive. Really expensive. Most digital media is based on CPC (Pay Per Click) or CPM (Pay per Thousand Impressions). While some networks are geared towards beginners, it is easy to spend a lot of money on traffic that does not produce sales or help build your audience.
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