Is Pinterest part of your social media marketing strategy?
Pinterest has 70 million active users worldwide.
The social network also generates more traffic than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined. And when it comes to money per click, Pinterest generates 27 percent more money than Facebook and 400 percent more than Twitter. Because of these numbers, you have no choice but to leverage Pinterest.
And to show you how can you use Pinterest to promote your business, the folks at Emerchantbroker have created a nifty infographic called "How To Become a Pinterest Warrior" that breaks down everything you need to know about the visual based social network - Pinterest.
Here're some key takeaways:
1. Set up your business account
Choose your business type: This will make it easier for people to find you.
Link and verify for your website: So people know this is your official profile and can see your full URL.
Include your location: Especially if you are a local business.
Upload your profile picture: One that us easily related to your brand.
2. Creating your boards
Begin with 5 - 6 boards with at least 10 pins each.
Use Keywords in your boards titles.
3. Start pinning:
Pinterest is all in the visuals. In order to grow your following, you need to be sharing appealing, high-quality images. For better understanding of the platform, look at what your competitors are sharing and repinning, what's working for them, what isn't, and see what you can replicate and improve upon!
There's more in the full graphic. Take a look.