2 Important highlights from above visual:
Video oriented media will continue to grow - 1 in 3 millennials watch mostly online videos and virtually no broadcast TV. Couple that with YouTube as the second largest search engine, the ease of the video sharing and more social networking adopting this medium and it's a no-brainer. Expect to see video oriented media become even more relevant this year.
Apps like Vine are poised to break out - Vine grew in popularity in 2013 one users adapted to their 6 second time limit for video. Some may say Vines influence on video is directly responsible for other networks such as Instagram adopting this medium as well/ Expect to see more Vine users in 2014 in addition to companies using Veneers as evangelists for their product. We've already seen Virgin Mobile, Lowes, Trident and other brands start to utilize this power. more companies will jump on the bandwagon as their network grows.