Whether you are just planning about how to write social media policy for your new brand or you have already been working on it for some time, the team at MaximizeSocialMedia have created an infographic called the social media implementation checklist that helps you to (launch your brand and) cover your bases.

Infographic by: Maximizesocialmedia.com/the-social-media-implementation-checklist
Infographic by: Maximizesocialmedia.com/the-social-media-implementation-checklist
- Create an internal social media team to steer social media efforts. The team should be as small as possible, but all relevant stakeholders should be represented.
- Document business goals for intended platforms and establish a handful of mart goals around relevant KPIs (key performance indicators). Especially early on, these goals need to be few in number, modest, and easily understood.
- Document basic brand guidelines for social media content.
- Establish and document, repeatable, efficient processes around how social media content is developed and approved. Typically, monthly editorial calendars are developed by the community Manager(s) and distributed to the rest of the social media team for feedback. We strongly recommend placing limits around revisions, since teams can easily fall into "infinite review cycles".
- Establish and document repeatable, efficient processes around how social media content is published and monitored.
- Establish an official social media policy.