Did you know that, in 2013 a whopping 75 percent of social media e-commerce sales generated from Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter). And that, 39 percent of Facebook users like brand pages to research about products. What if I told you that, almost 3 out of 4 consumers rely on social networking sites to guide their purchase, and that, U.S. consumers will spend $327 billion online in 2016. Take a look at this infographic created by folks at MobStac that takes a closer look at how social media affects the e-commerce, don't miss some bonus tips at the end of this visual to learn what content works best on what platform.
I think social media surely had a huge impact on eCommerce as our friends society becomes more in gained in the social media culture. The main role of social media in eCommerce is to promote brand awareness. This is the best thing for consumers who are making a purchase on a merchant website for the first time and for smaller merchants.