12 Facebook Contest Ideas For Every Month Of The Year [INFOGRAPHIC]

12 Facebook Contest Ideas For Every Month Of The Year [INFOGRAPHIC]
Are you managing a Facebook business page? Do you need a little bit of inspiration for the year ahead? Or maybe just a nudge in the right direction? For those Facebook page managers who want to run one contest for each month this year, here are 12 Facebook contest ideas (in the infographic from antavo) that are sure to wet your appetite! Hopefully they will give you that helping hand in increasing your engagement and buzz on your Facebook page throughout the year.

12 Facebook Contest Ideas For Every Month Of The Year [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Key Takeaways:

42% of Facebook marketers think discounts and special offers, which require fans to share and interact with their networks, are effective.

78% use Facebook from mobile, but apps can't be opened on mobile by default, so make sure that your app has a mobile compatible version.

7 out of 10 marketers think like-required giveaways on Facebook are the most effective tactic.

With $144 average spend per person, Mother's Day is the 2nd largest gifting holiday in the US behind Christmas.

$82 is the average spent per person. "#1 dad gift" is one of the biggest searches in the run-up to Father's day in the US.

77% of Facebook marketers top goal is to drive brand awareness.

As compared to non-festive day, 30 percent more people participate in giveaways at Halloween season.

63% of customers start holiday shopping during this period, according to 2013 data, so it's smart to encourage people to the store.

80% of people, when asked in 2013, planned to shop after Christmas in the end-of-year sales, for deals and heavy discounts.


  1. Thanks for sharing our info graphic Irfan :) - Zsuzsi from Antavo

  2. These are all excellent ideas for monthly themed contests. Thanks for the ideas!

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