Want to know how to increase your LinkedIn connections and visibility? And how to grow your LinkedIn network that generate qualified leads in five minutes a day. The team at Uewiremedia decided to help you and created a handy infographic named 5 minutes LinkedIn marketing plan. Now whether you are at beginning stage or intermediate or even at advanced level this visual will help you on how spending 5 minutes a day on LinkedIn can help you expand your social-connectedness.
This visual will help you stand out among other professionals.

Infographic's highlights
For beginners - Accept connections requests. Send a thank you message to new connections and aim to connect with at least one person per day, and your network will be thriving in no time.
For intermediate - Check who has views your profile. Share content from your industry regularly.
For advanced users - Share a piece of content and submit it to LinkedIn Today editors. Comment on the status or content shared by other in your network. Organize a catch up with one of your contacts.
Here's another infographic by LinkedIn illustrating Top 10 Overused LinkedIn Profile Buzzwords of 2013. Remember that your LinkedIn profile is your professional portfolio so make it count. And demonstrate your expertise and experience by providing examples of your skills and talent rather than using buzzwords.

Top 10 Overused LinkedIn Profile Buzzwords [INFOGRAPHIC]
Image courtesy of nan palmero.