The 5 Things Successful People Do in The Morning [infographic]

FIVE Things Super Successful People Do Before 8AM
There are two ways of waking up in the morning. One is to say, "Good morning, God," and the other is to say, "Good God, morning"! ― Fulton J. Sheen.

Have you ever wondered why many influential people, CEOs and entrepreneurs are more successful. I know what you are thinking – they work at late night. But believe or not, people who utilizing the morning time found to be more successful, productive and proactive. Moreover rising up in the early morning before work is also helpful to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Check out below infographic by Fast Business Canada to explore the 5 habits of highly successful people they do before 8 am.

infographic: the 5 habits of highly successful people they do before 8 am. FIVE Things Super Successful People Do Before 8AM

FIVE Things Super Successful People Do Before 8AM

Map out your day

Get the most out of your day by mapping out your goals and to do's. The AM is prime, interrupted problem solving time; providing easier reflection that will help you to prioritize your activities. Don't forget about mental health; schedule a 10 minute break after stressful meetings or calls.

Eat breakfast

Take the extra time in the morning to give your body the fuel it needs to accomplish the task you've outline for it. having a healthy breakfast means you'll be free to concentrate on what's at hand, rather than on your empty stomach. Even if you only have 5 minutes, have some cereal or a fruit.

Work out

Get some exercise in the morning. Whether you do yoga or hit the gym, do it before going to work so that you benefit from the boost of energy and the well deserved sense of accomplishment. Working out in the morning will help to wake up both your mind and body; and eliminate any chance of flaking out after a long day of work.

Visualize your day

Now that your body's awake, it's time to rouse your mind. Meditate and visualize the day ahead; send some positive energy into the successes you plan to achieve today. Not only will you improve your mood and outlook for the day, you will be more likely to recognize the best way to reach your goals as you visualize them earlier on.

Worst task 1st

Do the least desirable task on your list first. Every To Do list holds at least 1 item that we dread, don't let it loom over you all day or even all week. Acknowledge that it will be unpleasant, and get it out of the way. Once its done, your day will simply get easier. In the morning you are well rested and your energy level is up, which means you are better equipped to handle more difficult activities.

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  1. Hi Irfan,

    Good post. I have always been a morning person. I go to the gym 3 times a week and then I play Pickle Ball 3 mornings a week.

    I totally agree with tackling the hard tasks first. If I solve that problem, then it's smooth sailing the rest of the day. Something will occur to me in the morning that I wouldn't be able to think of at night.

    I, also love my breakfast. Starts the day out right. My brain performs better if I feed it. :)

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  2. Everyone knows morning work is best. No news there. We're doing good when it comes to the theory we can recite it all over again.

    But what do you do if your job is on the night shift? When do you sleep and more importantly when do you wake up? Early morning for some people, like myself, means 11AM whilst 10AM equals 6AM for regular people.

    There is pretty much no time for yourself especially if you live with someone or if you have a family. Inevitably they will wake up earlier than you do.

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